9 Week Control Freak : The Best Mommy Workouts for Insane Results

9 Week Control Freak Results:

Emily’s 9 Week Control Freak Results: “I lost 13 pounds and 11 inches is just 9 weeks! I’m a military wife and mama to a 1.5 year old who showed up every single day with me during my workouts.  I loved this program because it gave me something to lo…

Emily’s 9 Week Control Freak Results: “I lost 13 pounds and 11 inches is just 9 weeks! I’m a military wife and mama to a 1.5 year old who showed up every single day with me during my workouts. I loved this program because it gave me something to look forward to each day..I am so grateful for this program because it helped me take back control and only focus on the things I CAN control in my life.I finally feel like I have my core muscles that I had before baby and I thought that was impossible after a C-section.”

What is 9 Week Control Freak?

9 Week Control Freak is a new + revolutionary at-home fitness, nutrition and self-care program like you’ve never seen before! You’ve been spending a lot of time at home, you’re running out of shows to stream, and you’ve been watching your waistline get a little squishy. You’ve decided NOW is the time to turn things around and are READY to commit - 9 Week Control Freak is here to make your dreams a reality!

9 Week Control Freak is five days of exercise per week, specially formulated to get you results in only 18-30 minutes per day! When I started my own journey 6 years ago - knowing I could simply walk into my living room, press play for 30 minutes and be done before the kids even woke up was a GAME CHANGER. Working out was no longer stressful or time-consuming and the simplicity of doing everything from home made it so easy to make it a sustainable habit!

You’ll be doing a unique fitness training combination of Density, Tabata, and Strength Complexes with no repeating workouts. That’s 9 weeks of fun, new, and exciting workouts to keep you motivated - You’ve never done a program like this before — ever! and it all leads to one goal: control.

What equipment do I need?

Your 9 Week Control Control Freak package includes your equipment, most importantly the Control Track with B-Lines Resistance Bands and Core Ball which were created specifically for this program. Additionally, you’ll need a step and light, medium, and heavy dumbbells (when I first got started I used 3, 5, and 8 pound weights!).

9 Week Control Freak Nutrition Plan

What is the MOST important piece of the puzzle when it comes to weight loss and sustainable results? NUTRITION. I’ll say it again. If you are not dialed in and mindful of your NUTRITION, then you are NOT going to get the results you are looking for and the BEST part about 9 Week Control Freak is that our TWO nutrition programs are included with your package. You can learn more about your Nutrition Program choices HERE. As your Master Certified coach, I help you choose which one will work best for YOU based on your lifestyle and goals. Its not about starvation, deprivation and dieting. Its about enjoying the foods that nourish your body and learning what works for YOUR body. I’ve come SO far from my days of frozen diet dinners, Snackwells and diet soda, lol! And I can’t wait to help you do the same!

Need to dial in your nutrition? Grab my FREE starter guide:

Try the FREE 9 Week Control Freak Sample Workout right here:

Looking for support and community to help you reach your goals? Connect with me via this form and learn how you can join my online nutrition bootcamp. My nutrition focused bootcamp can be used with ANY workout plan!

Get started right with these essentials:


The Best Couch to 5K Running for Beginners Weight Loss Program


4 Things I do EVERY Day to Stay on Track