2B Mindset VS. Ultimate Portion Fix

2B Mindset VS. Ultimate Portion Fix.jpg

This post is about 2B Mindset versus Ultimate Portion Fix

Maybe you have experience with one or both of these nutrition programs or maybe you’ve just heard about them and are doing some research to see if they are worth it. Either way - I’m SO excited to share this post and help you make the best decision for YOUR needs.

For starters, these are both excellent nutrition programs offered by Beachbody. You may know Beachbody as the leader in home fitness (with programs like P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix). They also offer these two world-class nutrition programs which can be done with or without ANY fitness routine. So if Peloton, Orange Theory, or running are your jam - you can still use either of these programs to dial in the nutrition side of things. Additionally, if you hate working out or are recovering from an illness or injury - these programs can be done without working out!

Bottom line - NUTRITION is the most important aspect of weight loss, so if you are struggling to lose weight and are winging it when it comes to nutrition, you will benefit from adding in one of these programs.

Over the years, I tried many different ways of cutting and counting calories to lose weight and while some of them worked for the short-term, NONE of them worked for the long-term. It wasn’t until I joined Team Beachbody, that I FINALLY put the nutrition + fitness pieces together and created a holistic lifestyle that has worked for me for over 6 years. I have personally followed both of these programs and am a Certified Master Coach in both Ultimate Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.

Before we get started on the differences - let’s start with what these programs have in common:

  1. You get to eat all food groups. Both of these programs focus on fueling your body and there’s no cutting out macronutrients. You can have treats on both programs - with slight differences in the approach.

  2. You will be eating CARBS. Neither of these programs restrict food groups. Your body needs carbs, your body can and will lose weight while eating carbs - but you probably don’t know exactly what that looks like and both of these programs will teach you what YOUR body thrives on.

  3. You will have options in almost any situation. Restaurants, traveling, parties - you won’t have to say no to a cocktail or avoid social eating because of a “diet”.

  4. You will lose weight at a steady pace - neither of these programs are a crash diet. You can’t expect to lose 10 pounds in a week - instead you’ll focus on losing about 1-2 pounds per week. This means, if you’ve got 20+ pounds to lose, you can expect it will take about 3-4 months. I initially lost about 30 pounds and it took me 4 months.

  5. You will receive expert guidance (from both the program and your coach), recipes, meal plans, shopping lists and more that support your goals. Additionally, you have the option to subscribe to monthly content that keeps you motivated and dialed in!

2B Mindset VS. Ultimate Portion Fix which one is right for YOU?

Ok. let’s get down to it - there are some very important differences in these programs, so let’s break it down and see which one is best for you!

2B Mindset is best for you if:

  • you struggle with emotional eating and binge-eating

  • like to eat large amounts of food and feel very full after meals

  • want flexibility in the type of treats you enjoy

  • are willing to be patient, follow the plan and figure out what works for YOUR body

  • truly ready to create a positive mindset and relationship with food

  • prefer to use more of an “eyeball” approach to measuring your food

  • want to stop looking at foods as “bad” or “good” or feeling like you have been “bad” or “good” based on how you eat

  • travel frequently, work 12 hour shifts or odd shifts or have a job where you can only eat 3 meals/day

Ultimate Portion Fix is best for you if:

  • you desire a very dialed in approach with strict guidelines on exactly what you can and are ok with restricting treats

  • you want to be told exactly what to eat and are willing to measure your food in the portion control containers for each meal

  • have specific fitness and muscle building goals

  • you want to eat every 3-4 hours and prefer smaller, more spread out meals

  • you already know what foods are healthy, but need an exact plan

My personal thoughts

As someone who has done both programs and knows all the ins and outs, I absolutely love what each program has to offer. Personally, I never struggled with my weight until AFTER my second baby. I had two babies in 18 months and felt like a stranger in my own body. I was buying pants with numbers on the tag that I never imagined I would see. I had heartburn, got out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, and felt horrible about myself. I had no energy and was overwhelmed - food and sweets in particular became a comfort for me and the weight piled on quickly.

As a nurse, I KNEW being overweight would have serious consequences later in life and knew I wanted to be able to keep up with my boys and not be the Mom who sat on the sidelines, because I was out of shape and overweight.

When I first decided to focus on nutrition and lose the 30+ pounds, I had NO idea what amount of carbs or portion sizes should look like. I also thought it was impossible to lose weight without being hungry or restricted. Any time I had lost weight in the past, it had ALWAYS been through strict calorie counting and never broke free of the constant diet/binge-cycle.

I tried figuring things out on my own - I read blogs, took books out of the library and tried to piece together meal plans I found in magazines. I found so many inconsistencies and contradictory information out there - and I realized i was wasting my time trying to figure it out on my own.

Thankfully one day, I saw a post about Beachbody - joined an online group and specifically started using the Portion Fix containers. EVERYTHING changed for me - I fell in love with the nutrition program, the weight MELTED off and for the first time in my adult life, I felt in control of my food. I learned so much from the program about what I should be eating and most importantly what it felt like to truly eat healthy and not be hungry while losing weight!

This program worked so well for me, I used it for years and it wasn’t until 2019 that I decided to give 2B Mindset a try. To be honest, I didn’t think it would work great for me - I thought I needed the strict discipline of the containers to keep me on track - but once I learned how I could really enjoy food freedom, not stress about measuring or swapping treats for macros - it all really fell into place. I’ve learned SO much about how things like sleep, water, and how my body responds to food groups with 2B Mindset.


This post was about 2B Mindset versus Ultimate Portion Fix


A Day of Eating on 2B Mindset - Simple Clean Eating Plan for Moms


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