The 9 Best At-Home Workouts for Beginners


This post is about the 9 best at-home Beachbody workouts for beginners

Yup - that’s me. The photo on the left was taken on the day I decided to commit to at-home workouts and the photo on the right is me 6+ years later, still benefitting from the habits I learned from my beginner program. If you’re a beginner looking for a workout program, then this blog post will guide you in the right direction.

Back in 2014, I was a back to being a beginner, AGAIN - and the funny thing is, I had tried going to the gym, doing in person classes, spin class, bootcamps, and even completed a few triathlons. But the problem was CONSISTENCY. When you lack consistency, you repeatedly find yourself back at square one. When I took the photo on the left, I committed to not only being a beginner, but also a “continue-er” (is that a thing?!) - but you get what I’m saying. I committed to finishing the program and keeping up with the habits I learned and it was a TOTAL shift in mindset. Today I’m sharing the 9 best at-home workouts for beginners that will help you get started with fitness, nutrition and most importantly creating habits and routines that make your results STICK.

As a coach, I’ve helped over 2000 clients get started on their own fitness + nutrition journey, so I’ve picked the BEST programs that:

  1. Get you started right with the basics

  2. Won’t overwhelm you with complicated moves

  3. Include modifications for beginners or physical limitations

  4. Teach you how to clean up your nutrition.

    Why at-home workouts?

Before we get into the exact program details - let’s chat about why you should start working out at home!

Before I started at-home workouts, I was so skeptical - I had friends who told me home workouts wouldn’t work, but quite honestly, with my work schedule I had ZERO other options.

As we know - desperation is often the push we need to try something new! So instead of trying to piecemeal different workouts, I started working out at home with an actual program and almost 7 years later, I haven’t ever stepped foot back in a gym. Here’s why:

  1. At-home workouts save you TIME. Yup - is there ANYTHING more important than your time? I went from literally spending over an hour (usually closer to two hours) every time I went to the gym, to being done with my workout from start to finish in 30-45 minutes (depending on the program). I also realized I could no longer complain that I didn’t “have time” to workout, lol! I mean - if I could spend an hour watching Real Housewives, I could certainly take 30 minutes to do a workout!

  2. You can workout when it works for YOU. With at-home workouts, you are no longer on someone else’s schedule - You don’t need child care and you don’t have to stress about finding a parking spot or being to class on time. YOU have the power to take total ownership of your workout schedule. Need to get up at 430am and press play? Go for it! Want to get some yoga in before bedtime? Awesome! its all up to you and how you want to live your life!

  3. VALUE. You will not find a better value out there than what you get with these at-home workouts. You’ll start with a beginner program, but when you work with me - you have access to dozens of programs. As you get past the beginner programs, you can move right into a more challenging program! Plus, the nutrition support you get will be the X-factor for your success. These are the ONLY beginner programs out there that include sustainable, simple, and sensible nutrition programs for healthy weight loss and maintenance.

  4. PRIVACY. Getting started can be awkward and stressful enough - but being able to do it from home takes away the prying eyes and social anxiety. If you need to modify or heck even hit the pause button and take a breath - there’s no one there watching. You’ll be able to focus on what really matters and take the social anxiety out of the equation! Plus - no one will notice if your socks don’t match!

  5. You’ll create consistency. Being able to workout from home removes so many excuses. With these programs you can literally workout from ANYWHERE. When I started doing home workouts, I brought them with me on vacations, business trips, and even if one of the kids were sick i could squeeze in a workout. I mean, you’ve still gotta do the work - but those old excuses just don’t work anymore! If you aren’t sticking to your workouts, then its a lack of commitment + desire on YOUR part and you cannot blame it on anyone else. Wait, actually that kinda sucks, right?! hahaha! Taking ownership isn’t for everyone and it does not happen overnight - but without consistency, you’ll just keep ending right back where you started.

Ok - are you ready to dive into the 9 BEST Beachbody workouts for beginners? Let’s go!

  1. Best beginner program for you if you want to lose weight AND are new to clean eating: 21 Day Fix. This is the program I started with and to this day I recommend it for the vast majority of my clients. This is a 21 Day program - you’ll workout 30 minutes a day and never repeat the same workout twice! My favorite part is the nutrition program - this program changed my LIFE and it can change yours, too!

  2. Best beginner program for you if you are short on time and like weights/hiit style workouts: LIIFT4. This program is ONLY 4 DAYS per week with most workouts being about 30 minutes. This is perfect if you work long hours or shift work (lots of my clients in the healthcare field LOVE this workout!).

  3. Best beginner program if you need low-impact and some positive vibes to start your day: Barre Blend. This program can be modified for ANY fitness level and it is truly revolutionary. I would also recommend this to anyone who feels like you don’t “like to workout” - I guarantee its like nothing you’ve done before.

  4. Best beginner program if you have less than 30 minutes to workout and love a variety of workout styles: MM100. This program is so much FUN and each workout is set to the beat with a live DJ choosing the music!

  5. Best beginner program - if you don’t want to invest in any equipment: Core de Force. Additionally - this is the BEST program for strengthening your core and shredding your abs.

  6. Best beginner program if you have never worked out, love country music and dancing: Country Heat

  7. Best beginner program if you want to run a 5k+: 30 Day Breakaway -

  8. Best beginner program if you love yoga and need gentle, restorative workouts: 3 Week Yoga Retreat


This post was about the 9 Best At-Home Workouts for Beginners


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