How to Make Your Best Sunday Reset Routine {Prepare for the Week}

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This post is about a healthy Sunday Reset Routine

Are you curious about starting a Sunday reset routine? Creating a consistent weekly reset routine can help you catch up on items from the past week and prepare you for the next week. A new Sunday routine can be key in helping you create more mind-body-life balance and set you up for success for the upcoming week.

Why You Need a Sunday Reset Routine

With a simple Sunday reset routine, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in ALL areas of your life for the rest of the week! Just a few minutes of cleaning, organizing, preparing food, and planning how you will spend your free time will set the stage for good week ahead.

One of my favorite quotes by Brianna Wiest states “True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake. It is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from. And that often takes doing the thing you least want to do.”

When it comes to your Sunday self care routine, I think it is important to recognize you will probably have some items on your list you don’t “feel” like doing. But there are all different kinds of self care and one of the greatest forms of self care is to create habits and routines that support the life you truly desire.

Your new Sunday routine is a game plan, a clean slate, and a chance for a fresh start each week! It doesn’t have to take the entire day and you don’t have to get it perfect each week. Just get started using the tips I share here and tweak as needed until you have a routine that works for you!


Use your Sunday Reset Routine for Healthy Habits

Before we continue, let me just say I know not everyone has a typical “weekend”. As a former nurse, I am very aware not everyone has a consistent work schedule or weekends off. If this is you, simply choose your “reset day” each week and go from there!

What are some ways we can use our Sunday reset routine to stay on track (or get started) on our health and wellness goals? First, make sure you are setting aside time to meal plan for the new week ahead.

I like to set aside about 10-15 minutes on Fridays for meal planning and then finish my grocery list and shopping. You can hit the grocery store and do your own grocery shopping. If you’re short on time and have the availability you can do your grocery shopping online and have it delivered. By Sunday night, I want to have some simple meal prep done and my dinners planned for the week.

The last thing you want is to wake up Monday morning with nothing prepared for the week!

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Some meal prep ideas: chop some fruits and veggies, hard boil some eggs, assemble salad, and cook meats or prepare vegetarian protein for grab and go meals and snacks. Being prepared can save you from last-minute junk food choices that can easily derail your wellness goals.

You can find some meal plan and meal prep inspiration here:

13 2B Mindset Dinner Recipes

7 Easy Weight Loss Meals

A Sample Day of Eating

How to Eat More Veggies

If you have a busy week ahead, planning your workouts and setting that appointment with yourself is the best way to make sure you don’t skip it. If you can make your workout part of your morning routine, it is a great way to make it a daily habit.

I’ve put together my 9 Best Workouts for Beginners HERE and the best Home Exercise Equipment for Beginners HERE. I personally feel working out at home is the best use of my time and haven’t worked out in a gym in over 7 years! It isn’t for everyone, but if you’re struggling with making time to get to the gym I highly recommend committing to a home workout program.

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Use your Sunday Reset to get your home organized

Before I had kids, Sundays were probably my laziest day of the week (unless I was working) - but now I see it as the perfect time to get organized.

By investing just a little bit of time, you can accomplish a few simple goals that will reset your home and create a peaceful start to the week.

Here are a few ideas for your Sunday morning:

  • clean out the fridge (before grocery shopping)

  • wash and change all bed linens and towels

  • throw away all trash in your car

  • empty all trash baskets

  • put all shoes away (this is a constant battle in my home!)

  • clear all clutter off counters

  • catch up on your to-do lists from the previous week

  • grab a blank sheet of paper and do a brain dump of tasks for the next week

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Don’t forget to make time for relaxing self care

I know the weekends are busy with kids activities, family fun, and preparing for the week ahead. If at all possible treat yourself to some pampering and relaxation.

Ask your partner to take the kids so you can read a good book or indulge in a long bath. If there isn’t time for that, pop in some ear buds and listen to a book or podcast while you’re checking things off your list.

Don’t be afraid to make changes to your Sunday reset routine

Like most new things, your Sunday reset routine won’t be perfect at first. I have tweaked and changed mine multiple times since starting.

You are the expert on your own life, so use my tips as a starting point to create your own master plan. At the end of the day, even if you just get a few things accomplished on your reset routine each week, it will still have an incredible effect on how your week goes.

I’m absolutely obsessed with my Sunday reset routine and I hope you love having one as much as I do - I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment below or email me !

The post was about a healthy Sunday reset routine.


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