Weight Loss Success Story - Jill D.


This post is about Jill’s weight loss success story

Woohoo! I’m so excited to write this post and share Jill’s success story with you! When I was stuck and unhappy with my habits, it was seeing a transformation story that spurred me to finally take action - I hope this will do the same for YOU!

Jill is a mom of 3 boys, an ER nurse, and talented crafter/knitter. She recently hit her maintenance weight through the program and support of my Fix your Food bootcamp and has never felt better! Last week, we hopped on a Facetime so we could chat and i asked her some questions. While she has been part of my community for 2 years - focusing on the nutrition was new to her and I asked if she would share her whole story with you!

Like many of us, while Jill considered herself “active” she had never stuck to consistent workouts or eating plan. Before joining my community, she had been going to a personal trainer 2x/week and focused on getting 10K steps in per day, but she wasn’t eating right! Despite feeling like she was “working out” and “eating healthy”, she could see what she was doing was not effective. She knew she needed to do more, but it also needed to fit into her busy lifestyle - so one day she filled out the form to connect with me and learn more and that was the first step in getting where she is today! I often hear that reaching out that first time is the hardest part and I am SO glad she did!

When she joined me, it was purely for the workouts at first and she was surprised to find, she LOVED working out at home. She could workout when it worked for HER and could easily work around her work schedule and kid’s activities. She soon added in the Shakeology and for the first time EVER, she was working out 6 days a week, completing program after program and she saw results almost immediately. Her friends and family noticed how much healthier and happier she was!

She loved how she was feeling, but the workouts and eating “healthier” only got her so far - she knew she needed to focus on the nutrition piece if she was going to keep going and reach her goals. In February, with her birthday approaching she joined the 6 other women with my beginner bootcamp and she hasn’t looked back! Here is what she had to say!

Me: Can you tell me how much weight you’ve lost and what prompted you to get started?

Jill: At my heaviest, I was 152 pounds (at 5’2”) and got down to about 135 for a while, and now with the nutrition bootcamp I am 128 pounds! I haven’t been this size since I first got married! To be honest, I got started because I just didn’t want to feel disgusting anymore. I know that sounds bad, but its how I felt and I’m so glad I don’t feel that way anymore!

Me: What do you feel is the most important piece of the bootcamp experience?

Jill: The community, for sure! There’s a lot of similarity between all of the members. Everyone has their own obstacles, but we always stay positive. I love how we all focus on the bigger picture. When I don’t feel like sticking to the plan, I can see other members getting it done, even though they have more kids than me, or work full-time, etc - and I know if they can do it, I can too.

Me: Other than, Shakeology - what products do you feel have been essential in your weight loss?

Jill: Well, obviously the nutrition program and REALLY following the plan is so important! Also - I love Bevvy Its such a nice treat and great way to get more water in. I have one every day. And Energize! When I signed up, I actually only got the workouts and Energize because I needed the energy. I’ll also add that having an herbal tea at night has really been one of my favorite things. It really helps and I enjoy it!

Me: If you had one piece of advice for someone getting started - what would you say?

Jill: Well - I don’t think I can narrow it down to just ONE, but here are my 3 pieces of advice:

1) You gotta get REAL with yourself. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then you need to do something different. You have to get honest about this and be willing to take a risk. It might seem scary, but it is so worth it!

2) Be open-minded and look into what this program is REALLY about. I honestly, thought “Beachbody” was not for me - and had assumed a lot of things. We are all just regular Moms/women in the bootcamp - the group is the secret sauce! You get to eat so much food and you’ll lose the weight, its awesome! This whole experience is about the community and if you really want success, that’s where you’ll find it - in our online community.

3) Get on the scale EVERY day, especially on weekends!

Wow - I loved hearing her answers to these questions and I hope you found them helpful, too. Did anything she said really speak to you?

When we feel STUCK, it can be so scary to just take that first step - but I promise you, our online community is AMAZING! Just busy Moms, with a sense of humor trying to do this thing called life while looking and living our best! We keep it real - we don’t judge, but we do dole out a dose of tough love when needed! Would you believe me if I told you Jill just turned FIFTY?! She took this after photo while on vacation in Mexico and said “I used to hide behind my boys…not this year”. 50 and FABULOUS - aging in reverse and she is just the BEST! If you want to continue to follow her journey, you can find her on Instagram at @jilld271

Do you want to do what Jill has done? For more info, fill out the form below!

This post was about Jill’s weight loss success story.


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