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13 Tips for How to Wake Up Early in the Morning

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Are you looking for some tips on how to wake up early? I know waking up early in the morning can be challenging, especially if you’re not a morning person! However, there are so many benefits to waking up early - so let me show you how!

Benefits of waking up early

First, let’s look at some of the benefits of waking up early. Now, waking up early could mean 3 am or 7am - that’s totally up to you and your schedule. I know 5am gets a lot of attention for being the “ideal” wake up time, but the key to creating a new habit is doing what works for you. My wake up time varies depending on the time of year, school schedule, and my work schedule.

They say successful people wake up early. I’m not sure how true that is, but in my own life it was the key to becoming successful in my online business. It wasn’t just about waking up early - it was about waking up EARLIER than I “needed” to.

My favorite thing about waking up early is the extra time it creates in my day. I became a reluctant early bird about 10 years ago when I realized I HAD to wake up early if I wanted to have time for self-care and regular exercise. This is how I created the time to workout, have some nice quiet time and set the tone for my day. 

One important thing to note is waking up early should also be paired with a consistent bedtime that allows for enough sleep. The quality of your sleep will have a ripple effect on the rest of your day. Waking up early will not be sustainable or enjoyable if you are not getting quality sleep!

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Please note, these tips are meant for those of us who just need a little nudge to make change - if you have a serious sleep issue like sleep apnea, seasonal affective disorder, or mental health issues affecting sleep please see a sleep specialist or your healthcare provider.

13 Tips for Waking Up Early

  1. Create a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it. A consistent bedtime and wake up time is the best way to keep your body’s internal clock on track.

  2. Don’t sleep in too much on the weekends! Again, good sleep hygiene is dependent on regular sleep patterns. Try to keep your weekend/days off schedule as close as possible to your workday schedule. I know it can be tempting, but I found creating a morning routine and nighttime routine 7 days a week is key to keeping my energy levels up.

  3. Visualize yourself waking up early and going through every step in the process. Doing this before you fall asleep the night before can be SO impactful. One thing I learned when trying to wake up earlier, is that the first 5 minutes are often the hardest part of the process. Remind yourself that you will feel much more awake once you have gotten through the first few steps of your wake up routine.

  4. Use an alarm clock that works for you. There are so many different types of alarm clocks and smartphone apps out there now. Some use light, sounds, make you solve a puzzle or even vibrate your entire bed to wake you up! And most importantly - do NOT hit the snooze button! You want to set your alarm to give yourself enough time so you are never rushing through your morning routine and out the door.

  5. Turn on the lights and open the curtains immediately upon waking. Exposing your eyes to bright natural light tells your brain its time to wake up. Morning sunlight has a strong effect in setting your circadian rhythm.

  6. Avoid caffeine after 2pm. That afternoon coffee or soda could be keeping you awake later at night. If you are drinking caffeine later in the day, try to cut back or eliminate it and see if that makes it easier to fall asleep earlier.

  7. Do something really enjoyable as part of your morning routine. The key to sustainable habits is making sure you enjoy them, so find a way to treat yourself daily as a reward for waking up early. Having that extra time gives you flexibility to savor a special cup of coffee, or read a chapter in your favorite book. Instead of feeling rushed, you can soak in a few minutes of self-care with your new schedule.

  8. Create a specific wind down routine at night. I love to turn on a lavender diffuser, put on fresh pjs and watch a TV show. Your evening routine is just as important as your morning routine for waking up early.

  9. Prepare for the night before as much as possible. A bedtime routine that includes things like laying out your clothes, getting everything out to make a quick and easy breakfast, packing your lunch, etc will save you so much time in the morning. Early risers make a habit of eliminating decision making and obstacles in the morning.

  10. Gratitude journaling. Spending a few minutes journaling or writing down 3 things you're grateful for is a great way to wake up with a positive mindset. Focusing on the positive and things you are grateful for can set the tone for your whole day. Here’s a list of my 7 favorite journals/planners.

  11. Eat a healthy and filling breakfast. Again, set the tone for your day with a healthy breakfast that will fuel you through lunch. Its a good idea to have at least 20 grams of protein to keep you full and satisfied, along with some carbs for energy. 

  12. Invest in a quality mattress, pillows, and linens. Making your bed as comfy can have a huge impact on your quality of sleep you. I love my sleep number bed, this type of pillow was a game changer for my neck stiffness, and soft linens are essential.

  13. Use your smartphone sleep/wake alarm and focus features. As an iPhone user, I use the settings to remind myself to go to bed, turn off social media, electronic devices and their notifications and allow calls/messages to come through from specific contacts (as a mom of teens, my kids are often awake way later than I am!). 

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There are so many simple steps we can all take to make sure we are getting enough hours of sleep. I hope these tips help you move forward towards creating sustainable healthy habits that work for YOU.

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