How to Stop Snacking During Quarantine

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This post is about how to stop snacking during quarantine.

Soooo, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you clicked on this post because the quarantine snacks have gotten a little out of control. I mean, its understandable - I’m writing this in the middle of February in New England and being indoors is pretty much the norm this time of year, regardless of a global pandemic. Its COLD, its easy to get bored and most of us are working from home (with the fridge and pantry just a few steps away!). Its no wonder the snacking has crept up on you and I’m here to say you can absolutely turn things around.


Whether you’re hoarding the Oreos and ice cream or diving face first into the chips and pretzels, I have some awesome tips for you! And NO - you aren’t going to have to suck it up and learn to dance to the beat of your stomach growling, nope - you’re going to be full and satisfied so the next time you walk by your favorite snacks, you won’t be tempted!

tips to help you stop snacking

  1. Go drink some water - You’re going to get mad at me, because I’m telling you something you ALREADY know you should be doing, but seriously. If you are not drinking enough water, you are going to be HUNGRY! As a general rule drinking half your body weight (pounds) in ounces of water is a great way to make sure you’re getting at least the bare minimum. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you’ll want to make sure to drink 100 ounces of water per day. I like to get at least half of my daily water in by 10am - which combined with a hearty breakfast leaves me full, satisfied and snack-free until lunchtime!

  2. Don’t buy the things that tempt you MOST. I have a HUGE sweet tooth, but rarely buy the things I love like cupcakes and ice cream. Instead I keep dark chocolate covered almonds in my cabinet for a little touch of sweet if I REALLY want it. The harder you make it to access the unhealthy snacks, the less you will eat them. Just putting them up and away in a far away shelf or in the basement can make a HUGE difference. As a Mom of two growing teenage boys, I know its unrealistic to never have snacks in the house. My boys need the carbs and extra calories, so I try to purchase snacks that THEY like, but I do not.

  3. Its OK to binge (on the good stuff). Fill up on the healthy stuff first and crowd out the sugary/salty snacks. This is one of my favorite hacks for enjoying the treats I love, but not bingeing on them. Keep the fridge stocked with mini-peppers, carrot sticks, grape tomatoes, cheese sticks and other healthy no-fuss snacks and eat those FIRST. Go ahead and BiNGE on those veggies - you’ll be surprised how quickly they fill you up. Even fruit is such a better options. Have a sweet tooth? An entire POUND of fresh strawberries is only about 150 calories - just think how filling strawberries are versus candy! Sometimes, I eat a big salad and then ask myself if its really worth it to go down to the basement, open the freezer and pull out the ice cream bon bons. 9 out of 10 times, I’m so full and feel so good about my healthy snack, I don’t even WANT the treats and if I do, I have ONE instead of TEN.

  4. Play a game with yourself. Instead of telling yourself you “CAN’T” have those mini-goldfish you bought for the kids, tell yourself, you CAN - but just delay it a bit. Say, I’ll have them after this big and healthy lunch, then after dinner see if you can have them tomorrow. Just keep pushing it off and see how long you can delay that instant gratification. I’ve done this and then finally said, ok, I’m having it - only to find the box is empty (you know, because kids somehow have NO idea how to toss an empty snack box!).

  5. Track your food - this is really for you if you’re serious about snacking. Its a bit more involved, but wow - you will be shocked at what you learn about yourself! Write down EVERYTHING you eat in a day, and also write down WHY you ate it. You might find your snacking habits are being influenced by things you didn’t realize. Maybe you’re snacking because you think you “should” have an afternoon snack, but really - you’re not even hungry. Maybe you’re snacking because your partner and kids want to watch a movie, so they’ve pulled out the popcorn and pretzels and even bought some candy, or perhaps you are emotional and turning to food because you are looking for comfort and to feel good, even if only for a minute. It wasn’t until I started tracking my food that I really started to take control over my snacking and eating habits. it is a game changer!

  6. Close the kitchen after dinner - I know the nighttime snacking is a HUGE issue for so many of us. There are a few ways to put a stop to the after dinner munching - you can brush your teeth immediately after dinner, treat yourself to a cup of decaf dessert tea (there are TONS of delicious options! Bottom line - find something else to focus on. I usually watch a show with my husband, or crack open my planner to write down some goals/tasks for the next day, or read a book. Once you get busy, you’ll forget about those snacks!

  7. Eat filling and satisfying meals. People are often shocked at the meals I share in my IG stories and can’t believe how much FOOD you can eat when following my nutrition bootcamp. But being FULL + SATISFIED with 3 meals a day has been the BIGGEST factor in putting the breaks on my snacking.

  8. Ask for help! I hear all the time how partners and kids can derail eating goals - but if YOU are the one buying the groceries, don’t buy the junk and if your partner is the one doing the shopping, straight up ask them NOT to buy your trigger foods. Even if just for ONE week, so you can see the difference from having those foods easily accessible vs. out of sight and out of mind. If your family won’t support you, then its even more important to reach out and ask for help from someone like myself who provides a positive and uplifting community for women who are ready for change.

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I hope you found these tips helpful - at the end of the day, if we are serious about making change we find a way and if we aren’t, we will find an excuse. When I was ready to stop my old, icky eating habits - I didn’t stop until I found what worked and I’m STILL a work in progress, but I love helping women like you gain control of their relationship with food!

This post was about how to stop snacking during quarantine


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