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Sauteéd Yellow Summer Squash

Are you looking for a new recipe for your yellow summer squash?! This is my favorite of all my summer squash recipes. It's a little different than most other recipes and I cannot wait for you to try it!

I don’t know about you - but in the hot summer months, I’m always looking for quick and easy recipes that use fresh produce. The mild flavor of summer squash enhanced by the ingredients in my slow sauteéd summer squash recipe make it the perfect summer side dish for almost any meal!

What squash can you use?

I highly recommend grabbing local summer squashes if possible. Whether you support your local farmer at the farmers market or can find local varieties of summer squash at your grocery store - you will find locally grown has thinner skins and better flavor. 

With so many summer squash varieties to choose from - I find yellow crookneck squash, green zucchini, yellow zucchini and patty pans (pattypan squash are the round, flat squash that look like a little flying saucer) are usually the easiest to find and can all be used in this simple recipe. I often make this recipe with different types of summer squash. Of course if you have a green thumb and grow your own summer squash plants - this is a great way to enjoy it.

Additional summer squash recipe ideas:

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Recommended kitchen tools:

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